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Marvin has had an incredible journey with this diagnosis. We adopted him at 18 months old and he was later diagnosed with autism. As part of his diagnostic journey they asked for some bloodwork. For Genetics. I said sure why not. I was pretty certain they wouldn’t find anything what they did find is a mutation of the KMT2E gene. It was a mutation. Because he had so much other stuff going on we didn’t take it too seriously. He was little at the time and just excited that he was a mutant and spent that whole summer trying to develop his mutant power. I still remember when he tried to walk through walls it was hysterical. Anyway- there were other people who took this a lot more seriously than our family. This genetic mutation leads to developmental delays, loss of skill, intellectual disability, and is thought to be one of the missing links for Autism. We do not know if Marvin is autistic because of the gene or if the gene mimics Autism. It also causes G.I. issues and a bunch of other hoopla. We are rare for now, but as science evolves, it will be interesting to find out how rare we actually are. A couple of families got a little ticked off that nothing was being done so we started a support group on Facebook. People are slowly starting to trickle in and find us, we are making connections around the world. Meanwhile, my son doesn’t stop amazing us. He’s a really great kid and he works so hard to overcome his difficulties and advocate for himself. We are so proud of him.