Valentin’s Jammies


Mi experiencia nunca pensé que iva a tener esta experiencia con mi hijo yo lo acepto asi como es cada dia que pasa lo ayudo en todo para sacarlo adelante porque el con una sonrisa me cambia mi tristeza de verlo asi que no puede hacer muchas cosas me pone mal me parte el alma pero el me eligió por algo como su mama asi que toda la vida voy a estar a su lado nunca lo voy a abandonar siempre ayudarlo a salir adelante y que el pueda hacer la mayoría de las cosas es lo mas hermoso que me paso yo tengo mi otro hijo que tiene 4 años y el es sano y me ayuda un montón con su hermano lo ama tanto asi que entre todos lo vamos a ayudar lo amo y es lo mas preciado que tengo…

Translation – forgive me if I did not translate exactly:
My experience I never thought that I was going to have this experience with my son I accept it as it is every day that passes I help him in everything to get him forward because with a smile he changes my sadness to see him so he cannot do many things he makes me It breaks my soul badly but he chose me for something like his mother so all my life I will be by his side I will never abandon him always help him get ahead and that he can do most of the things is the most beautiful thing that I happen to have my other son who is 4 years old and he is healthy and helps me a lot with his brother he loves him so much so that together we are going to help him I love him and he is the most precious thing I have …

  • Age: 11 Months
  • Country: Argentina
  • First Name of Child Receiving Gift:: Valentin
  • Gender: Male
  • Jammie Size: Talle 3 algodón
  • Shipping Location: International Shipping

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